Sport for good

Have you worked out what is happening at the end of May?

It’s the World Cup of cricket! It starts with England playing South Africa on 30th May followed by Pakistan vs West Indies on 31st May.

Here is a great opportunity to bring together lots of your people to watch the matches, to have fellowship and to give some Biblical teaching about caring for the team, caring for others before yourself, helping the person who is having a bad day, playing by the rules and lots more ideas from the Bible. Why not bring them into the Salvation Army building and have food too?


If you follow the links below, you will see some ideas from a video made by The Salvation Army in the United Kingdom in the run up to the London Olympic Games. Another video was made earlier following the Commonwealth Games in Manchester and we will add that to this page to give you some more ideas.

Have fun because SPORT IS GOOD for building relationships, caring for others, creating teamwork and having a healthy body.

Pakistan Zindabad!

Sport for Good Videos:

Message from Commissioner Ivor Telfer




Why Sport?








Older People


People living with disability


Big Events


Catch the Vision






Major Sports Events




The Elderly